Exciting news! Construction is now complete.

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback!

During the consultation, the Your Say page was visited by 49 people and five people provided feedback via the online survey. There was 80 per cent support for the upgrade.

Here’s what we heard through the consultation that we are either already incorporating or are considering:

  • Larger playground to better suit more ages
  • More natural play opportunities
  • Picnic table and concrete slab under shelter
  • Planting along the back fence.

Here’s what was requested, but will not be included due to budget restraints and service standards for local family parks:

  • Loop path for bike riding/pump track
  • Embankment slide
  • Basketball hoop.

Construction is underway and anticipated for completion by the end of June 2022.


A concept plan has been developed for the Godfrey Street Park Upgrade, Darlington that includes new playground equipment, a shelter, footpath and an irrigation system to maintain a kickabout area.

This upgrade will complement the community planting being undertaken within the park.