The Aldinga to Sellicks trail will provide an on and off-road trail connecting the townships of Aldinga and Sellicks Beach through Council and State Government land including the Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park (Aldinga Scrub).

Council has completed a design for Stage 1 of the trail, which starts at the Hart Road Wetland car park, continues along the Aldinga Scrub eastern boundary fence, then connects to Cox Road and concludes at the existing asphalt culvert bridge north of the Norman Road and Justs Road intersection.

To view the location map please click here. A further trail connection to the south would be a future stage of work.

The proposed stage 1 scope of works consists of:

  • Construction of approximately 1.2km, 3.5m wide compacted rubble shared-use trail.
  • Installation of a new post and wire fence along the trail providing a protective barrier to the Aldinga Scrub.
  • Installation of pedestrian and emergency vehicle access gates into the Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park.
  • Line marking on the existing asphalt road along Cox Road.
  • Upgrade of the Cox Road pedestrian culvert bridge.
  • Minor tree pruning or removal where necessary.

Construction will commence late January 2025 and will take around six weeks to complete.

Please note that the trail will be closed during construction.