Consultation has now closed. We will share the outcomes with you soon.

Background information

We're seeking your feedback on a sports lighting upgrade at Bice Oval, Christies Beach.

Bice Oval, located on Christie Avenue in Christies Beach is the home for various sporting clubs.

The Christies Beach Sports and Social Club (CBSSC) and Council are working together to deliver new oval lighting to Bice Oval.

The sports lighting upgrade will enable night training as well as the opportunity to schedule night games during the winter season.

The oval currently has sports lighting, however a recent audit identified that the light fittings to be non-compliant and require replacement.

The project will replace the lighting and increase its brightness to 150 lux in accordance with the SANFL and AFL preferred infrastructure guidelines.

This will increase the flexibility of sports programming for training, enable night games with enhanced spectator viewing.

Council has supported the CBSSC in a successful grant application to the Office of Recreation, Sport, and Racing providing the additional funding required to replace the existing 50 lux light fittings with 150 lux light fittings.

Work to install the new lights is currently planned to commence in October 2024 and be completed in early 2025 subject to club activities, weather, and the holiday period.

Have your say

Consultation was open from 22 May until 17 June 2024.

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