
Engagement outcomes

9 October 2024

Community Engagement Highlights

During the community engagement held 1 to 22 July 2024
  • 144 visits

    to Your Say Onkaparinga page during the engagement period

  • 20 Contributions

    to the online survey

  • 4 contributions

    to the online mapping tool

Community Engagement on Bridge Closure and Detour Route

During the engagement period the project page on the Your Say Onkaparinga platform received 144 visitors. Two tools were available for public feedback:

Survey on Bridge Closure Timing: The survey asked, “Is April-May the most suitable time to close the bridge for construction?” It received 20 responses, with 9 people (45%) supporting the proposed timing and 11 people (55%) opposing it. Of those opposed, most preferred the construction to take place in winter, explaining that it would be less disruptive.

Interactive Detour Route Map: This tool asked whether the proposed detour route was the best option. All three respondents (100%) agreed that it was. Additionally, one person suggested an alternative detour route using the interactive map.