Council's Code of Practice - access to meetings and documents has been approved. More information is available in the update.
The Code of Practice – access to meetings and documents explains our commitment to transparency and integrity through the provision of public access to Council and Council Committee meetings and documents.
The code applies to all ordinary and special meetings of Council and Council Committees, and the agenda, minutes and attachments that relate to those meetings.
The code explains the policy, process and procedure on:
- public attendance at Council and Council Committee meetings
- public access to agendas and minutes of Council and Council Committee meetings
- public access to other documents.
It also explains the reasons, under Section 90 of the Local Government Act 1999, that a Council or Council Committee may exclude the public from attending a meeting or keep a document confidential.
More information about the review of the Code of Practice is available in the FAQs.
This consultation was open from 29 September to 22 October.