Completed works
A number of the project works planned for the site are now complete, including:
- Installation of the new unisex modular changeroom facility
- New fully-enclosed cricket practice nets
- New stormwater and services infrastructure required for the new unisex changeroom building and cricket nets upgrade
- Rebuilding of two hard courts
- Renewal of the playground adjacent the oval
- Renewal of the playground adjacent the tennis courts
- Minor landscape works alongside the new tennis courts
- A new paved pathway into the site from York Drive
Additionally, two of the four northern hard-courts have been resealed. Council is working with the tennis and netball clubs and contractor to determine suitable dates after winter for the final two courts to be resealed
Upcoming works (from August onwards):
- Fencing adjacent the tennis court playground is underway, to provide additional safety measures to this junior play area.
- Paving around the new changeroom building is currently underway and due for completion by mid-August, pending some delays caused by the COVID-19 lockdown.
- Landscape, turf and irrigation works associated with the playgrounds will take place in Spring, noting that the area adjacent the oval is regularly used for warm-ups during the football season.
The updated site plan in the document library provides an overview of these proposed works.
We have been working in partnership with the Flagstaff Community Club, sporting clubs and local residents to plan for upgrades to the sports and recreation facilities at Flagstaff Hill Sports Ground.
During February and March 2020 we sought initial feedback on the proposed upgrade of the playground adjacent the oval, and the location of a proposed new modular unisex change room building. While there was strong support for the project in general, there was mixed support for the proposed building location adjacent York Drive.
In April 2020, a revised concept plan was presented to key project stakeholders, with the change-room building relocated to the area adjacent the existing clubroom building. To accommodate the building, this site required removal of the western-most (3rd) cricket practice pitch.
The unanimous support for this option by key stakeholders gives Council confidence that this revised plan will support the growth of community sport and recreation in the region.
Overall, Council is committed to the delivery of the following project works at Flagstaff Hill Sports Ground:
• New modular unisex changeroom building
• Renewal of the two cricket practice nets and provision of a 3rd portable practice net for use on the oval centre pitch
• Renewal of the playground next to the tennis courts
• Renewal of the playground next to the oval
• Rebuilding of the two southern tennis courts
• Resealing of the four northern tennis courts
This work will be complemented with new access paths, trees and landscaping to further enhance the Sports Grounds, and provide better access from York Drive.