Exciting news! Construction began in February, and we are thrilled to announce that the reserve is now officially open. Please note that there is some bunting in place around areas where the hydroseeding is still establishing.

Your Say

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback.

During the consultation, the Your Say page had 93 visits and 14 people provided feedback via the online survey and this reflected 86% support. An additional 8 residents (plus 4 children) attended the on site drop in session.

You told us that the reserve is often used for the playground, dog exercise, kicking footballs, cricket, basketball and flying kites. We are now working on the final design for the reserve and prioritising the additional factors requested from the local community.

Here’s what we heard through the consultation that we are either already incorporating or now considering (pending budget):

  • The embankment slide shown on the concept was well received.
  • To move the flying fox to a location that isn’t going to interrupt the irrigated kickabout area.
  • Irrigation of the mound near the playground so it stays green during summer.
  • Focus on planting native trees.

Here’s what was requested, but will not be included as they are outside of the service standard for a local family reserve:

  • BBQ
  • Fenced playground
  • Tennis court

The revised concept plan is available to view here.

Consultation is now closed.