
October 2022

1 May 2023

Community engagement outcome update

Thank you to the many people who provided feedback. The findings of the engagement were presented in a report to Council on 18 October 2022.

The key findings are:

• Frank Smith Park is highly valued by the local community and visitors for its role in supporting primary school sport, as a space for active and passive recreation and for its natural amenity and connection to nature.

• The majority of the 879 respondents to the community engagement survey support the use of Frank Smith Park for increased sport in the future.

• Detailed analysis of the responses confirms support for increased sport were not dominated by sports club members and that a notable number of people that frequent the park for passive recreation support an increase in usage for sport.

• The community consultation confirmed that the major considerations when planning for increased sport at Frank Smith Park are access and parking, impacts on the natural environment and the impacts of sporting infrastructure. These are not necessarily barriers to increased sport, but issues that need to be carefully managed into the future.

Details of feedback received can be found at the following links; drop-in session, Your Say comments, other correspondence.

This engagement was undertaken following a report presented to Council in February 2022. At that time Council approved staff undertaking further research and analysis, including community engagement on the future use of Frank Smith Park oval.

Next steps

Before a decision on the future use of Frank Smith Park can be made by Council, the community engagement outcomes and the planning considerations identified need to be considered together with the outcomes of the:

• Oval and Turf Pitch Demand Study (Needs Analysis) – Northern Onkaparinga and Mitcham Hills.

• Review of Sturt Lions Football Club use of Frank Smith Park in Winter 2022.

• Traffic and car parking impact assessment in the context of current used and any proposed increase in activity.

These will be workshopped with Council in early 2023, prior to a Council decision on the future use of Frank Smith Park.