Latest Update
Great news! Work is completed and the park is now open!
Your Say
Consultation now closed. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback!
During the consultation, the Your Say page had 63 visits and 7 people provided feedback via the online survey. An additional 16 residents (plus 2 children) attended the on site drop in session on 22 September.
You told us that the park is often used for the playground (in particular the monkey bars!), the shelter where people are often seen eating their lunch, dog exercise and personal fitness training.
We have revised the design, prioritising the additional factors requested from the local community.
Here’s what we heard through the consultation that we are either already incorporating or now considering (pending budget):
- Monkey bars or climbing structure to be installed
- Different playground equipment, not a nautical theme
- Entry points through fence from both Gloria Street and Bruce Street
- Concrete pad near shelter with a tap for locals to use for a BBQ from home
- Dog bag dispenser.
Here’s what was requested, but will not be included as they are outside of the service standard of the park:
- Cricket pitch
- Flying fox
- Security light under shelter
- Drinking fountain with a dog bowl.
The traffic concerns raised by residents surrounding speeding vehicles has been allocated to our traffic engineers who are investigating the issue (reference 1857575).