Latest update – Opening delayed

The construction of the dog park was completed earlier this month, however it remained closed to allow for hydroseed to establish.

Unfortunately, we encountered unauthorised entry into the park which resulted in damage to some hydroseeded areas. This was repaired and additional signage and locks have been installed.

Given the high traffic nature of dog park use, opening it too soon will result in further damage and so to ensure its longevity, it is now anticipated the park will be open in the spring time.

We apologise for this delay and will update this page when we can announce the opening.

Community engagement outcomes

Thank you for providing feedback on the design of the Hurtle John Potter Reserve – dog park and toilet. There was strong support for a dog park in this location, with the final concept plan incorporating common themes that emerged from the community engagement feedback:

  • Change bark chips surface to irrigated turf.
  • Increase the size of the dog park fence area (from 3000 sqm to 4300 sqm).
  • Additional dog park entry on the western side.
  • Additional leash hanging zone.
  • Additional dog activities with agility equipment.
  • Increase tree planting for shade and natural amenities.

  • During the consultation, 607 individuals visited the Your Say page, 54 participated in the online survey, and 33 joined the drop-in session.

    More information on the community engagement outcomes can be found here.


    With the support of Nat Cook Member for Hurtle Vale, the state government is funding $500,000 towards the construction of an enclosed off leash dog park, public toilet and other improvements at Hurtle John Potter Reserve on Investigator Drive, Woodcroft in response to community feedback. The dog park and toilet will be exciting additions to this popular reserve.

    Consultation on the draft concept plan was undertaken in January 2023.

    View the draft concept plan and frequently asked questions.

    To receive updates on this project click the ‘+ Follow’ button above.
