
Background information

1 March 2022

There are currently 372 local heritage listed items and 30 contributory items within our Council area that include churches, dwellings, halls, cemeteries and other built structures. These local heritage places are currently listed under the Onkaparinga Development Plan.

The State’s new Planning and Design Code (the Code) came into effect in March 2021. It is timely to review our local heritage list to ensure an up to date and comprehensive local heritage places list is included in the Code. Any adopted recommendations of the review concerning the local heritage list will be made in the Code via a Code Amendment.

We acknowledge and value places, objects and sites of Aboriginal cultural heritage significance within our Council area. However, these will not be assessed as part of this review as they are protected through separate legislation (Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988).

To check the location of existing listed local heritage places use the map below and to check the heritage ID numbers please go to the SA Heritage Places database.