
Strategic Directions Committee approves Code Amendment preparation

17 July 2023

We have now assessed the nominations and the outcomes were presented to Council’s Strategic Directions Committee on 2 August 2022 for endorsement. The agenda report and assessment reports are available to view here.

The assessment reports for the City-wide Local Heritage Review are categorised as follows:

  • Stage 1 – Former Hardy’s Winery site, Old Reynella
  • Stage 2 – Selected (existing) Local Heritage Places
  • Stage 3 – Nominations, previous requests and trees on the National Trust Significant Tree Register.

The Strategic Directions Committee agreed to proceed with the preparation of a Code Amendment to formalise listing and de-listing of the recommended places into the Planning and Design Code. The minutes of the meeting can be viewed here.

Before we progress the preparation of a Code Amendment, we will notify individual owners of the outcomes of the review via a direct letter. The owners will also be provided an opportunity to discuss implications of listing, details of which will be provided in the letter.

Following this, council will prepare a ‘Proposal to Initiate’ for a Code Amendment based on the suggested places for listing, delisting and amendments to existing local heritage listed places. Council will then hold discussions with the State Government prior to the commencement of the Code Amendment process. The Proposal to Initiate will be lodged with the Minister and if approved, a Code Amendment prepared. The community will then have another opportunity to provide feedback on the Code Amendment through the formal engagement process.

We estimate the Code Amendment process to commence in early-mid 2024 and take approximately 12 months depending upon the nature of changes proposed, community feedback and the response from the state government.