
Stage 2 Community engagement

24 June 2024

The Community Plan outlines the long-term goals for Onkaparinga, looking ten years into the future. It serves as a guide for council’s other plans and strategies.

Council is also reviewing its Strategic Management Plans that comprise the Community Plan, Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) and Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP). These are council’s key strategic documents.

The review provides a valuable opportunity to assess the current and future challenges and opportunities for our city, and to articulate the community’s aspirations for a 10-year vision.

To achieve this, Council has undertaken deep and broad engagement with the community.

We spoke to people at 185 different activities and events throughout the Love where you live campaign in October/November 2023, and almost 5,000 people shared their vision and what matters to them about living in their community:

  • “For a good future the most important thing to do now is have a good plan for money and future problems.” Myponga resident, age 12
  • “The best thing about living here is the community.” Hackham West resident, age 43
  • “Ten years from now I hope Onkaparinga is still as beautiful and a place to breathe fresh air.” Woodcroft resident, age 70

The feedback from this engagement was then presented to 66 Onkaparinga residents invited to participate in workshops over two weekends. Together, they interpreted and refined the emerging themes, goals and decision-making principles to help council prepare the draft Community Plan.

The workshops were facilitated by BRM Advisory. You can find their summary report here.