Project Update February 2024

Thank you to everyone who submitted a name suggestion. The suggested names will now be collated and presented to the Key Internal Stakeholder Group, who will assess the suggestions and shortlist five potential names.

We will then commence stage 2 of the engagement and seek feedback from the community on the five shortlisted names.

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Background information

The park located between Joplin Court and Marley Court was upgraded in 2023, and at the same time we put a call out for suggestions on a formal name for the park. We received several submissions at this time, but the place naming was then put on hold while we updated our Road and Place Naming Policy and Place Naming Procedure. The policy and procedure have now been updated and the policy was approved by Council in August 2024.

We know that it's been quite a while since we last asked for input from the community, and we recognise that people move away, and new community join the neighbourhood. That's why we'd love to give everyone the opportunity to suggest a name for the park. This park is a space for everyone to enjoy and be proud of, and we want a name that reflects the spirit and values of our community.

Sources for public place names may include:

  • Aboriginal names in the local Aboriginal language
  • early explorers, pioneers, settlers, or local/European history or heritage of the area
  • eminent persons
  • war/casualty lists
  • commemorative names
  • a person who has made a significant contribution to the local community
  • thematic names such as flora, fauna, nautical etc
  • the topography or physical attributes of the locality
  • those that reflect the historical, social, cultural and geographical significance or cultural diversity of the City of Onkaparinga.

Names will be selected to be appropriate to the physical, historical or cultural character of the area concerned.

Consideration should be given to names that will provide an easy and practical reference for the local community, users and emergency services.

Engagement for stage one closed on 17 February.