Latest update

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback. The final concept plan is now available and can be viewed here. We have been able to make changes to the design incorporating the feedback we received through engagement.

This includes

  • the addition of a slide from the climbing structure
  • A toddler swing
  • A rocker

The design still includes the basket swing and the balancing and sitting rocks and boulders. A new fence will also enclose the playground and no new trees will be planted.

Construction of this upgrade will take place during the 2024-25 financial year.


Exciting news! The playground at the Old Noarlunga Oval, Patapinda Road, Old Noarlunga has been identified for an upgrade.

We have developed a draft concept plan that includes a new pirate climbing tower and nest swing as well as a new irrigated lawn area and tree planting.

We are also interested to hear you suggestions regarding the potential themes for the mural that will be added to the amenities block at a later date.

Consultation on the draft concept plan and ideas for the mural was undertaken in October and November 2023.

Final concept plan

Final concept design
