
Community engagement

16 February 2024

Overwhelming support was received during the multiple community engagement processes undertaken, including consultation as part of the Development Approval process. We value the feedback and support received during these engagements.

Since consultation, significant progress has been achieved, with a contractor now engaged to deliver this exciting project.

Construction is expected to take approximately 12 months.

The project will transform the recreation centre to better serve the needs of the Hub Gymnastics and the 50's Plus Activity Group offering:

  • expanded gym hall with a new mezzanine viewing area and a lift
  • dedicated kindergym area and a multiuse community room
  • upgraded entrance, kitchen, foyer, office, and amenities
  • complete roof replacement, expanded car park, and improved landscaping.

We thank the state government, federal government for their funding support which, along with council’s contribution, made this collaborative community project a reality.

We understand that construction activities might cause temporary inconveniences, such as increased noise and dust. Please be assured that we will take all necessary measures to mitigate these impacts and will work closely with the contractor to minimise any potential disruptions.

We recognise that the Recreation Centre land serves as a convenient pedestrian pathway to access Candy Road and beyond via the bridge. However, the necessity to install builder’s safety fencing around the site makes it impossible to continue using this route. Consequently, the use of the existing pedestrian pathway around the work site to Candy Road will be closed during the construction period. Appropriate signage will be installed to indicate the temporary alternative route.