
Pre-construction work is beginning

17 July 2024

The construction preparation works to upgrade the Piggott Range Road and Easton Road intersection will begin on 22 July. These works will require the section of road between the intersection with Easton Road and the intersection with Grants Gully Road to be closed from Monday 22 July to Thursday 25 July. The road closure is for day works only between 7:00am to 5:00pm. During this time a detour will be in place along Easton Road and Grants Gully Road. The detour map can be viewed here. Access for local residents to their homes will be maintained.

The section of road south of Easton Road will be completed with reduced speed and stop and go traffic management. This will maintain traffic flows whilst keeping all road users and workers safe during construction.

The preparation works will include the first round of tree removals. Council has installed plastic collars around the identified trees consistent with the fauna management plan to reduce the likelihood of wildlife inhabiting these trees. The larger trees will be reused by council in various upcoming projects.

Following these initial preparation works, construction will begin on 9 August and is expected to be complete by the end of October.

These dates may vary depending on weather and onsite conditions.

Further updates will be provided as construction progresses.