Latest update

Port Willunga North Coast Park has progressed to detailed design and we have several contractors on site on 19 June 2024 conducting geotechnical investigations and location of services. This will involve vehicles accessing te site and taking soil samples.

We have undertaken extensive stakeholder engagement on the Port Willunga North Coast Park since Council's previous resolution on 16 May 2023. This has involved meeting with community stakeholder groups through a series of workshops working through remaining issues and amending the design to resolve these issues. View the final concept plan here.

On 20 February 2024, Port Willunga North Coast Park was presented to Council where it as resolved to approve the amended concept plan and proceeding to detailed design and construction.

If extra funding can be secured, the project will also include the removal of stobie poles and overhead powerlines in the project area.

For more information, view the frequently asked questions and see the Updates section.

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The Port Willunga North Coast Park forms part of the state government's Coast Park vision for Greater Adelaide, to develop a coastal linear park including a 70km shared use path from North Haven to Sellicks Beach.

The Port Willunga North segment (from Maslin Unclad Beach car park to Port Willunga foreshore car park) was identified as a priority action to commence planning and design in 2019-20. This segment contributes to 2.8km of Coast Park. Formalising this segment of Coast Park will provide a considerable tourist draw-card, attracting visitors to the spectacular coastline. The improved access, facilities and reserves in Port Willunga, will also generate significant community benefit through improved recreation opportunities.
