Latest update
The two sections of road as described in the previous update below are anticipated to be implemented by the end of February 2024.
The native plantings will be undertaken during the winter of 2024 when planting conditions are optimal.
We'd like to thank the community for their input into this project.
Previous Update
During the council meeting held on 18 April 2023, the following resolutions state that Council:
- Resolves to close:
- (a) a 258 metre long section of Settlement Road commencing at its intersection with Foggo Road and extending south-east to a location approximately 870 metres north-west of Pennys Road.
- (b) a 162 metre long section of Foggo Road commencing approximately 1,005 metres south of Kays Road to a location approximately 865 metres north of Pennys Road.
- Authorises a notice to be published in the next available government gazette providing notice of the closure of Settlement Road and Foggo Road as through roads for motor vehicles.
- Notes that permanent barriers will be installed at either end of the road closure to prohibit access by motor vehicles, however, still provide access for passive users including pedestrians, horse riders and bicycles.
- Notes that the road closure process via Section 32 of the Road Traffic Act is reversible should there be a need to re-open the road again in the future.
- Notes that barriers, gates and signage would be installed in the 2023/24 financial year.
We are proposing to prohibit motor vehicles from travelling along the unmade sections of Settlement Road and Foggo Road in McLaren Flat in response to concerns that have been raised relating to inappropriate vehicular access.
These concerns include fire risk, and antisocial behaviour occurring on the unmade sections of the road adjacent to residences and commercial vineyard operations.
View the location map for the proposed sections of Foggo and Settlement Roads.
What's being proposed?
It is proposed to:
- Close a 258 metre long section of Settlement Road commencing at its intersection with Foggo Road and extending south-east to a location approximately 870 metres north-west of Penneys Road.
- Close a 162 metre long section of Foggo Road commencing approximately 1,005 metres south of Kays Road to a location approximately 865 metres north of Penneys Road.
Another option available to Council is to close the unmade sections of Settlement Road and Foggo Road to motor vehicles under Section 32 of the Road Traffic Act 1961. This would still allow non-motorised access for pedestrians, horse riders and bicycles, noting that Settlement Road is part of the Willunga Basin Trail.
Consultation closed at 4pm on Tuesday 18 April 2023.