Latest update 24 July
We are nearly there. Final touch ups and line marking will be completed this week.
Thank you to everyone for your patience.
Project information
Please follow the link to view the reconstruction and upgrade plans.
The roadworks will include:
- The reconstruction of the southern section of Regency Road from Byards Road to Glenloth Drive.
- Resealing the northern section of Regency Road from Glenloth Drive to Kenihans Road.
- The implementation of traffic calming treatments in an effort to reduce speeding and hoon driving. This improvement takes the form of improved geometry of the southern section of Regency Road from Elm Street to Byards Road.
- Reconstruction of the roundabout at the intersection of Byards and Regency Roads.
- Installation of a raised pedestrian crossing to improve safe connectivity between both sides of Regency Road as well as to the linear trail running along the creek.
- Installation of new footpaths and kerb ramps (as required).
- Installation of new kerb and gutter (as required).
- Reinstatement of affected residential driveways and verges, using similar materials to existing.
We will make all possible effort to minimise any inconvenience to residents, however there will traffic restrictions in place throughout the duration of works and road closures at critical stages of construction. All replacement driveway works will be managed directly on site with affected residents.