Council resolved at it’s meeting of Tuesday 10 December to adopt the draft Final Representation Review Report for submission to the South Australian Electoral Commissioner.

The report is being finalised and a letter prepared for the submission.

Further updates will be provided when received by the South Australian Electoral Commissioner.

A copy of the agenda and minutes from Tuesday’s Council meeting 10 December 2024 are available here.

Community Feedback on the draft Representation Review Report and proposed ward boundary realignment

A recent survey gathered feedback from electors regarding the review of Councils composition and structure.

The survey included a draft Representation Review Report and a map detailing the proposed realignment of ward boundaries, for comment.

Thirty two submissions were made through the Your Say Onkaparinga page and one submission was received via email. In total, twenty four (75%) of submissions were in support of the proposed structure and composition.

Of the sixteen participants, that provided feedback, eleven supported the structure and composition as proposed. One supported some elements however proposed changes.

Four participants did not support the structure and composition,

Here’s a summary of their views:

  • Inclusion of the suburb of O’Halloran Hill in Pimpala Ward (not Thalassa as proposed).
  • Concern that the suburbs of O’Halloran Hill and Darlington will be forgotten about being on the outer edge of Thalassa Ward.
  • Council should not be divided into wards. Without wards, voters are not restricted in supporting their preferred Councillor.
  • As suburbs grow it is essential to change ward boundaries to represent fairly.

Of the sixteen participants that did not leave feedback, thirteen were in favour of the proposed composition and structure, two had nothing to say and one did not like the proposed composition and structure.

Council will consider the feedback received and the draft Representation Review Report at the Council meeting on 10 December 2024.

To view the Council meeting agendas and minutes visit City of Onkaparinga (

Proposed Ward Boundary Changes

The proposed changes to the Ward boundaries as part of this review process are depicted on the Proposed Ward Boundary Change Map V1.

Any changes to Council’s composition, must be certified by the Electoral Commissioner, before coming into effect at the next Local Government periodic elections in 2026.

Current ward

The current structure and composition being:

  • A mayor elected by electors from the whole Council area.
  • Six (6) wards.
  • 12 ward Councillors, two (2) elected from each ward.

Proposed wards

Council resolved at it’s meeting of Tuesday 10 December to adopt the draft Final Representation Review Report for submission to the South Australian Electoral Commissioner.

The report is being finalised and a letter prepared for the submission.

The composition endorsed by Council, proposes to retain its existing structure and composition with minor changes to Ward boundaries to align with statutory quotas and tolerances set by the Electoral Commission of SA.

These include:

  • A Mayor elected by electors from the whole Council area.
  • The Council area is divided into six (6) wards, as shown in the draft Representation Review Report.
  • The future elected body of Council comprise twelve (12) ward councillors, with two councillors representing each ward.
  • The realignment of ward boundaries for all wards.
    • Aldinga: currently split across South Coast and Southern Vales under the existing structure, is to be included, in full in the South Coast Ward.
    • O’Halloran Hill and Darlington: currently in the Pimpala Ward under the existing structure, are to be included in Thalassa Ward.
    • Reynella: currently in the Mid Coast Ward in the existing structure, is to be moved to Knox Ward.
    • Old Reynella: currently in Knox Ward will be moved to Pimpala Ward.