The Waste to Resources Policy (W2R EPP) is the regulatory framework for South Australia’s waste management objectives. The South Australian government has a commitment to the circular economy and achieving zero net emissions by 2050.

This review will help the EPA understand the issues and opportunities that will allow South Australians to reduce our reliance on natural resources and address climate change. The outcome of this review will result inform the development of the new Circular Economy and Waste Policy that will allow for the development of a more circular economy, a reduction in the amount of waste that is generated, contribution towards state emissions targets, and a strong market demand for recovered resources.

The principle of ecologically sustainable development underpins the environmental legislation in South Australia, and at a national level. This means that our activities today should not impact future generations. We need to plan for development that meets the needs of the present generation in such a way that the quality of life for future generations is increased.

The circular economy is designed to eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials at their highest and best use, and regenerate nature.

There are 6 policy review areas:

  1. Supporting the transition to the circular economy.
  2. Avoiding waste generation.
  3. Maximising resource recovery.
  4. Supporting a strong market for recovered resources.
  5. Protection the environment and human health from waste pollution.
  6. Circular economy metrics, reporting and transparency.

As waste management impacts everyone in the community, we encourage you visit the W2R EPP review website to read more about the review and ways you can have your say.