Consultation has now closed. We will share the outcomes with you soon.

Background information

We are seeking your feedback on the planned upgrade of sports lighting at the Reynella Oval.

Reynella Oval, located on Oval Road at Old Reynella is home to various sporting clubs.

The oval currently has sports lighting, however a recent audit identified they were in poor condition, and not compliant with Australian Standards for Football training.

The Reynella Football Club (RFC) with the support of Reynella Sports and Social Club identified a need for the lighting level to be increased to 150 lux, in line with the AFL and SANFL preferred infrastructure guidelines. The upgrade will increase the flexibility of programming by increasing training duration, and the opportunity to host football night games night as well as improve spectator viewing.

The Reynella Football Club, Council and the SANFL are all contributing funding towards the new lights.

Work to install the new lights is planned to commence in October 2024 and completed by March 2025, subject to club activities, weather and the holiday period.

Have your say

Consultation was open from 4 June until 25 June 2024.

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