Project update October 2024

The draft master plan is now being finalised for presentation to Council in December 2024, and will be made publicly available after that.

The draft master plan has been informed by community feedback received from 283 community members via on on-line survey and we heard:

  • The significant majority of people travel to the grounds by car (93%).
  • People visit the grounds most often to watch sport (83%), play sport (60%), or walk, jog or run (40%).
  • The complex meets expectations very well or well for 44% of survey respondents, with another 40% feeling neutral.
  • People reported the most dissatisfaction with the public toilets, playground and public lighting.

The draft master plan has been informed by comprehensive engagement with user groups, which has resulted in progressive changes to the plan during its development.

We appreciate the community and user group contributions to this planning process and are confident the emerging vision for the Reynella Sports Ground responds well to the various uses of the space, now and into the future.


The State Government through the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing has provided funding to prepare a master plan for the Reynella Sports Ground located on Oval Road, Old Reynella.

The City of Onkaparinga is managing the project on behalf of and in consultation with the Reynella Sports and Social Club and member sporting clubs at the Reynella Sports Ground.

In addition to development of the master plan, State Government funding was also received to upgrade the existing change rooms and install new cricket practice nets. Work on both of these projects has been commenced with the change rooms upgrade near completion.

The master plan will be a guiding document to identify short, medium and long term priorities for the grounds that can be implemented when funding opportunities are available through advocacy or external grants.

The master plan does not commit council to fund fully or in-part any of the priorities identified.

You can find out more about the development of the master plan by reading the Frequently Asked Questions.

We have been working closely with Reynella sporting clubs to understand their needs and in November and December 2023 we engaged with the community to hear about all they ways the grounds are used, or could be used in the future.

Feedback received during the engagement will be used to inform development of the draft master plan. Once prepared, we will undertake further consultation on the draft master plan.

Project updates