Latest Update

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during the consultation process.

During consultation, over 140 people visited the Your Say page, with 15 of those providing feedback via the online form. Of this feedback, 15 went on to provide further information with 6 in support, 6 not in support and 3 unclear/neutral.

Following this feedback, a report was submitted to Council where it was approved to progress to the next stage of development approval to remove the trees. Council also moved to replace the trees with eight advanced trees at the Aldinga Sports Park.

To view the motion, please visit Section 9.3 of Council Minutes.

Please visit Aldinga Sports Park Master Plan for more information on the overall project.

We'll continue to share information as updates become available.


The removal of trees at the Aldinga Sports Park (ASP) will soon occur to allow for the installation of critical services and infrastructure in the first stage of Aldinga Sports Park Master Plan implementation.

The ASP Master Plan guides the future development of sport and recreation facilities in response to projected population growth and increased sport participation in the Aldinga region over the next 10+ years.

A group of trees located south of the bowls club requires removal, including one regulated and one regulated significant tree, both Eucalyptus utilis.

Removal of these trees is required to complete the planned works on the western side of the park, including new underground services, an upgraded access road, formalised car parking, new pedestrian pathways and street lighting.

We're retaining 84 per cent of the existing trees in the area, and further new trees will be planted as part of the Sports Park upgrades.

This aligns with council’s policy that states when a regulated or significant tree is approved for removal, two trees are planted for each regulated tree, and three for every significant tree.

The City of Onkaparinga has also established urban forest targets to increase urban vegetation cover and tree canopy in the City of Onkaparinga by 20 per cent by 2045.

Council is also committed to planting 100,000 new trees in street verges, waterways and parks by 2037.

Follow these links to read the fact sheet, frequently asked questions or to view the location of the trees being removed.

Consultation closed on Sunday 21 November 2021.