Latest Update

The application seeking removal of the tree has been approved in accordance with the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Subsequently, the tree has been scheduled for removal, and replacement plantings will follow.


A Eucalyptus camaldulensis (River Red Gum), located adjacent 8 Sean Court, Coromandel Valley has been deemed a risk due to a history of limb failure and proposed for removal. This tree is considered significant under current State Legislation.

This Significant Tree has a history of limb failure which creates an unacceptable level of risk to the community and cannot be reasonably managed. This is of concern given the Coromandel Valley Kindergarten is located within Sean Court and has a high presence of residents during school hours.

We will be planting three new trees within Coromandel Valley to replace this tree removal.

The City of Onkaparinga has established urban forest targets to increase urban vegetation cover and tree canopy in the City of Onkaparinga by 20 per cent by 2045. Council is also committed to planting 100,000 new trees in street verges, waterways and parks by 2037.

To learn more about Significant and Regulated Trees, follow these links to read the fact sheet or view the location of the tree being removed.

Consultation on the removal of this tree was undertaken in August and September 2022.
