Consultation has closed.
For more information and to view the proposed bushfire hazard mapping and to submit feedback, please visit the YourSAy website.
Background information
Have your say on the proposal to update bushfire hazard mapping and effectively plan for and mitigate the impacts of bushfire hazards across the state.
The State Planning Commission has prepared the draft State-wide Bushfire Hazards Overlay Code Amendment to update the current bushfire mapping and policies in the Planning and Design Code (Code). Mapping updates are based on new and improved evidence-based spatial data and more current vegetation data.
Please note this is a State Government consultation.
Whilst this project will be managed by the State Planning Commission, its relevance extends to City of Onkaparinga residents, and we want to ensure that awareness is raised, and an opportunity is created for your input.
The draft Code Amendment seeks to update the current policy framework and bushfire hazard overlays in the Code to ensure new development in South Australia is more resilient to the impacts of bushfire. The Code’s policies aim to site new development away from unacceptable bushfire risk in a High Bushfire Hazard Area and seek suitable design responses in other areas.
The proposed mapping overlays can be viewed online, with current mapping available via here (select Layers/Planning and Building/Overlays/Hazards- bushfire).
The proposed changes to the Code aim to better reflect bushfire risk across the State and introduce new rules to help save lives and build more climate-resilient communities.
Public consultation on the draft Code Amendment was open for consultation from 23 November 2023 to 5pm on 5 April 2024.
A series of in-person and online public information sessions were held in early 2024 with further details to be published on the State Government's YourSAy website.