Engagement has closed. We are now reviewing the feedback and will share the outcomes soon. To be notified of these outcomes don’t forget to click the ‘+ Follow’ button.

We asked the community to share their thoughts on the draft McLaren Vale Main Road Concept Plan through an online survey and an in-person information session.

Over 2000 people viewed the consultation page with over 400 downloads of the concept plan. We received 302 contributions to the survey.

The information session held on Wednesday 24 April 2024 attracted a great number of residents, with over 50 residents in attendance. It was great to hear first-hand from residents what was important to them.

The project team are now working through all the feedback from the information session & survey and will include this with all other consultation feedback received through the engagement process, to present to decision makers.


The streetscape project evolved out of the McLaren Vale Main Street Tourism Vision, with an objective to have people stop and linger in the street.

The vision identified the McLaren Vale tourism hub as being a section of Main Road between McLaren Vale Hotel to Hewitt Drive, the area accommodating a number of historic buildings and tourist focused businesses.

This vision was developed in collaboration with the community and visitors. When helping us to shape this vision, we heard that in order to be a growing destination the street needed:

  • outdoor dining opportunities
  • public art
  • improved and increased greenery
  • arbours
  • decorative lighting

The draft McLaren Vale Main Road Concept Plan has been designed to address the tourism vision and community feedback by:

  • establishing arbours along the street as shade refuges
  • uplighting several built and landscaped street features
  • installing visually dynamic and interactive elements to encourage people to stop and linger in the street
  • extending the public realm to provide additional seating and landscaping
  • improving and increasing greenery through gardens beds and additional street trees

Visual representation of outdoor dining area

Now Proposed

Visual representation of landscaping

Now Proposed