Over the past few months we have been collecting information about the creeks, including:

  • Recording weed species and densities, tree data and native vegetation.
  • Wildlife surveys including birds, frogs and insects.
  • Collecting data on water flows and quality, including water bugs.
  • Assessing site conditions by looking at built structures, erosion and flood management.
  • Talking to different experts to get data and advice to improve these creeks and habitats for local native plants and animals.
  • Meeting with community onsite through creek meet ups
  • Holding a workshop

We wanted to hear from you to help us shape the future of these two creeks. Ensuring future water quality, habitats for native wildlife and to make it a great place for people to connect with nature.

We asked what is important to you including:

  • What parts of the creeks should be protected?
  • What things should be improved?
  • What could be achieved?

We analysed the feedback and refined our understanding of the priorities, the themes in order of importance:

  1. Plants/trees
  2. Social/recreation
  3. Habitat for wildlife
  4. Animals
  5. Pollution
  6. Water flows/quality
  7. Other
  8. Education/awareness
  9. Management/procedures
  10. Erosion

To read more about the community engagement feedback please view the engagement outcomes page.

This year we will work to design solutions to support biodiversity and create healthy creeks for wildlife and people. We will share design ideas with you to get your feedback.