Construction is well underway and work is expected to be completed by mid-May.
You can view the design for the park here.
Further to the below we can now advise that the basketball keyway will remain on site. The reserve drawings are currently being adjusted to allow the basketball key way to stay in place and fit in with the surrounding play equipment and irrigated space.
Construction is expected to start in early 2021.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback and to those who joined us at the community information drop in session. The feedback we received demonstrated local community support for the concept plan.
Some key points as outcomes from the community engagement included:
- Proposal to removal of the basketball key-way which has reached the end of its asset life. A basketball key-way is outside of the Open Space Strategic Management Plan service level for this reserve. However due to the community feedback, we did investigate the option of refurbishing this existing key-way. Due to the current condition it would require a total replacement that will cost $25,000. Due to the high cost and that a basketball key-way is outside of the service level for this reserve, we will continue with the proposal to remove the basketball key-way. Residents will have access to the basketball key-way at nearby Quadrant Terrace reserve which is a 300m walk away.
- We propose to install soccer goals on the irrigated turf which will provide a sporting activity in addition to the cricket pitch and other ball activities.
- Proposal to remove the existing shelter as it is nearing the end of its asset life and is outside of the service level for this reserve, however due to the community feedback we will retain the shelter until it reaches the end of its asset life.
Change to the footpath direction through the reserve to suit the more frequently used track that people use to walk to the local shops.
View the concept plans
The updated concept plans are located in the document library.