Exciting news! Applecross Park is now officially open to the community. Get ready to experience the park’s new features and enhancements!
The revised concept plan is available here.
Your Say
Thanks to everyone who provided feedback!
During the consultation, 212 people visited the Your Say page and 8 people provided feedback via the online survey. In addition approximately 28 residents attended the on site drop in session on 10 November 2021.
Here’s what we heard through the consultation:
- More seating
- Move shelter and picnic shelter away from the roadside
- Repositioning trees to prevent obstruction of household views of the hills
- Dog poo bag dispenser and public litter bin
- Changes to play equipment.
Here’s what was requested, but will not be included as they are outside of the service standard for a local family park:
- Public toilet
- Asphalt pump track
- Basketball keyway/netball ring.
The traffic concerns raised by residents surrounding speeding vehicles has been allocated to our traffic engineers who are investigating the issue (reference 1869201).
Consultation closed on 22 November 2021.