

27 March 2024

We sought resident feedback on plans to reconstruct Bains Road between Panalatinga Road and Brookland Valley Drive, Woodcroft.

Minor maintenance work adjacent to the electrical substation will take place this financial year, with the major reconstruction work due to occur in 2025.

The work is being undertaken to improve the road surface and better facilitate pedestrian movement.

You can view details of the planned works in the draft concept plan. The works will include:

  • Rebuilding Bains Road within its current footprint.
  • Installation of two central pedestrian refuges with lighting.
  • Closing the existing footpath crossing point on the western part of the Investigator Drive roundabout and replacing this with a crossing point approximately 100m east.
  • Installation of a 1.5m wide concrete footpath on the northern side of Bains Road, from Panalatinga Road to the new crossing point east of Investigator Drive.
  • Installation of a 1.5m wide paved footpath on the western side of Investigator Drive.
  • Improvements to the intersection with Potter Drive including a formal refuge for pedestrians crossing Potter Drive and separate lanes for straight and turning vehicles.
  • Lighting to the intersections of Bains Road and Potter Drive and Investigator Drive as well as lighting at crossing locations.
  • Relocating and upgrading bus stop 47 on both sides of Bains Road.

Yellow lines will also be installed along Bains Road to clarify locations where existing road rules ban parking. The majority of these lines are installed to indicate locations where a vehicle cannot park without blocking through traffic, defined in the Australian road rules as within 3m of a solid dividing line or painted median. The installation of the pedestrian refuges will introduce new parking restrictions under this rule by narrowing the road at these locations.

You can view the draft concept plan for more detail.

Engagement was open between 27 March and 21 April 2024.