
Engagement outcomes

31 January 2024

During the consultation, 197 people visited the Your Say page, and 30 people provided feedback on the draft concept plan through the online survey, drop-in session or by contacting council. The majority of people (86%) who provided feedback indicated they were happy with the proposed design, however additional suggestions and requests were also made.

Noting the strong engagement feedback, we will consider and investigate the following additions or changes to the design (pending budget):

  • additional playground equipment
  • more seating
  • non stainless steel slide
  • cricket strip in middle of grass area
  • goal posts on grass area.

We also heard the below suggestions, however, as these are beyond the service level for a Neighbourhood Family Park and the available budget, we have not included them in the design:

  • shade structure over play equipment and BBQ
  • half basketball and/or netball court
  • BMX track/Pump track.

We also heard concerns about speeding vehicles along Callander Avenue. While this is outside the playground renewal project scope, these have been forwarded to our Traffic team for investigation.

The design is now being reviewed with consideration to the feedback received and the available budget, and an updated plan will be shared when available.