Engagement information page showing proposed change
This page provided information on the proposed change to restrictions for this site that was used for community engagement. For information about the engagement and project outcomes visit the Dog on-leash and prohibited areas review main page.
Proposed change map

Proposed change information
Current restriction
- Dogs are prohibited between 8am and 2pm on days upon which the Original Open Market operates.
Proposed restriction
- Dogs on-leash during market times.
- Proposed restrictions identified by signs.
- Compliance will be subject to customer reports of non-compliance and investigated by a ranger.
- Dogs prohibited at the market was a decision and request to Council by the previous Open Market committee to be included in the by-law.
- The new committee would like to reverse the decision and allow dogs on-leash at the market.
- The market is outdoors and welcomes patrons both inside and outside the local area. It is unreasonable to expect patrons to be aware of the by-law.