Engagement information page showing proposed change
This page provided information on the proposed change to restrictions for this site that was used for community engagement. For information about the engagement and project outcomes visit the Dog on-leash and prohibited areas review main page.
Proposed change map

Proposed change information
Current restriction
- Dogs are prohibited during daylight savings between 10am and 8pm, between the southern end of Port Noarlunga SLSC and the cliffs to the north.
- Dogs must be on-leash during daylight savings between 10am and 8pm south of Port Noarlunga SLSC.
Proposed restriction
- Dogs prohibited at all times during daylight savings between the southern end of Port Noarlunga SLSC and the cliffs to the north.
- Proposed restrictions identified by signs at each entrance, three signs are proposed for this site.
- Compliance will be subject to proactive ranger attendance and investigation of customer reports of non-compliance.
- Dogs off-leash can be a nuisance at the beach. Some people have a fear of dogs, particularly off-leash dogs; they can feel intimidated by dog owners aggressively controlling their dogs and have safety concerns for their families and their own dogs.
- Historically, a uniform approach was the norm along metropolitan beaches with dogs required to be on-leash between 10am-8pm during daylight savings. However, Council has established off-leash exercise areas on many parts of our coastline as well as introducing the state’s first dog prohibited beach at Port Noarlunga.
- This proposed change aims to avoid confusion and improve likelihood of compliance and is consistent with existing dog prohibited restrictions on the jetty in the area.