Latest update
At the Council meeting on 19 September 2023, Council considered the outcome of the recent community consultation on changing the Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) for Sportsgrounds to include Frank Smith Park Oval, presented in the Community Engagement Feedback Report.
A summary of all survey results has been included in the Council Report.
After considering the community engagement feedback and the other information contained in the Council Report, Council resolved, in accordance with Section 198 of the Local Government Act 1999, to amend the Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) for Sportsgrounds to include the subject portion of land known as Frank Smith Park Oval.
Amending the Sportsground CLMP category will allow continued use of Frank Smith Park Oval for organised sport, however based on community engagement feedback this will be available for low impact sport only and managed by licences between Council and the sporting associations and schools requesting access to the oval. Licence agreements or permits pertaining to the oval will encompass conditions, including usage schedules, gate access and traffic management. Traffic and car parking, along with oval condition will continue to be monitored over time if and when increase use is approved.
The 19 September 2023 Council Meeting Minutes are available here.
In April the Strategic Directions Committee approved community consultation on amending the Community Land Management Plan classification of the oval area of Frank Smith Park in Coromandel Valley.
This decision followed extensive community engagement and research on the future use of Frank Smith Park for low impact sport and a successful trial in 2022 of winter club soccer use.
The rest of Frank Smith Park will remain ‘Developed Reserve’. High impact sport or supporting infrastructure such as clubrooms is not proposed or being considered for the park.
Amending the classification of the oval area from ‘Developed Reserve’ to ‘Sportsground’ in our Community Land Management Plan formalises existing use and allows for increased use for low impact organised sports.
A Sportsground in council’s Sportsground Community Land Management Plan is defined as an area providing for structured, result focused, competitive recreation involving physical activity. Sporting activities include both training and competition and may be undertaken either individually or as a team.
Management of the park will be implemented through conditioned permits, while ensuring that no changes or additional infrastructure are proposed.
You can find out more about Community Land Management Plan designations and how council plans to mitigate the concerns raised in the previous consultation in the Frequently Asked Questions document.
Consultation was open between 14 June and 10 July 2023.
Information regarding previous engagement on the future use of Frank Smith Park can be found here.