
Engagement outcomes

4 November 2024

Community Engagement Highlights

During the community engagement held 30 September to 20 October 2024
  • 269 visits

    to Your Say Onkaparinga page during the engagement period


    of the draft concept plan

  • 19 contributions

    to the online survey

Community Feedback

The purpose of community engagement was to ensure stakeholders were aware of the project and the proposed concept plan to upgrade the gateways into Ramsay Place improving wayfinding, lighting and the appearance, and to also understand any local issues that should be considered throughout design.

Information about the project and engagement was available on the Your Say website, including visual representations of the draft concept plan and a survey for participants to provide feedback on the draft plan. Emails were sent to 1,971 registered recipients with an interest in either Noarlunga Centre, community and sporting facilities, and/or business and the economy.

During the engagement period, the Your Say website received a total of 269 visits that resulted in 38 people downloading the draft concept plan, and nineteen participants answering the survey questions and/or providing online feedback.

Of the nineteen responses in total, thirteen responded to the question ‘Do you support the proposed improvements?’ of these responses:

  • 11 fully support the proposed improvements, and
  • Two somewhat supported the proposed improvements.
  • In relation to the question ‘What is most important to you?,’ respondents identified that safety (67 per cent) and presentation (33 per cent) were the most important priorities. With CCTV and feature lighting a high priority in improving safety and landscaping selected as the most important aspect to improve the appearance.

    Additional feedback was received for one respondent by direct email. The direct feedback provided was supportive of the project, advocating having additional places to sit and gather, lighting and fencing.

    Council also met and sought support from key stakeholders in the area, including TAFE SA, Vicinity Centre and Noarlunga House. Each of the stakeholders were supportive of the proposed plans.

    Further suggestions from respondents during the engagement period included:

  • CCTV
  • more lighting not just feature lighting
  • inclusion of Aboriginal culture
  • renaming Ramsay Place
  • community involvement in public art
  • addressing trip hazards.