
Hopgood Theatre refurbishment concept ideas

27 October 2023

Through prior community engagement and consultation with performing arts practitioners and Country Arts SA, we have identified opportunities to enhance the theatre experience both directly and indirectly. These insights have guided our focus areas for the design of the refurbishment. They include:

  • Wayfinding and greater promotion of programs and events.
  • Entrance, foyer, bar and façade improvements and broader activation.
  • Theatre lighting, acoustic and audio upgrades.
  • Accessibility upgrades.
  • Activation of the second performance (lecture) theatre.
  • Green room, dressing room, and rehearsal space improvements.

Enhancements to these areas aim to improve the overall experience for both performers and audience members.

Council has engaged a consultancy team with experience in theatre projects to design the upgrades and technological improvements.

We are currently in the process of refining the final scope and deliverables in accordance with the available grant funding.