Exciting news!

The final touches have been completed, and the park at the end of Joplin Court is now officially open to the community. These finishing touches included the installation of two park benches and drinking fountain, the revamping of the basketball post, and the hydroseeding around the flying fox area. Get ready to enjoy the park's exciting new features and upgrades!

Your Say

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback.

During the consultation 83 people visited the Your Say page and 12 people provided feedback via the online survey. In addition approximately 25 residents attended the on site drop in session.

You told us that the playground would be well used by local residents once upgraded and that the park is often used by residents to rest and relax, for the open space and for the basketball keyway.

We have now completed the final design for the park, including prioritising the additional factors requested from the local community.

Here’s what we heard through the consultation that we are either already incorporating or now considering (pending budget):

  • More challenging playground equipment to better suit a wide range of ages
  • Including a netball ring
  • Adding a dog bag dispenser
  • Moving the shelter so it is in a central location for the park.

Here’s what was requested, but will not be included as they are outside of the service standard for a local family park:

  • BBQ
  • Fenced playground
  • Walking track around full park.

Formal name for the park

We're also considering a formal name for the park and in October-November 2021 we sought ideas from the local community. All suggested names were assessed against the criteria outlined in council's Place Naming Policy, and presented to elected members for shortlisting at the Strategic Directions Committee meeting on 5 July 2022. At the meeting it was decided to put this place naming process on hold until the review of council's Place Naming Policy and Procedure have been completed. This means the next stage of the place naming process where we seek community members' votes on the shortlisted names will not take place in 2022-23. However this will not affect the park upgrade.
