
Community Engagement

4 August 2023

Community engagement on the draft Knox Park Multi-use Sports Park Concept Plan was recently completed. We thank everyone who took the time to provide their feedback.

During the engagement, a total of 111 people participated in the online survey with 94 respondents stating they were strongly supportive or supportive of the project. Three respondents were impartial and 14 were either opposed or strongly opposed to the project.

Responses were also received during the community drop-in session and via the local residents’ group. We received some great feedback from the kids during this session and heard what they would like to see in the playground upgrade.

The key concerns raised during the engagement included increased traffic and car parking along the local streets, the location of the buildings, and preference for a new direct access off Main South Road. The artificial turf in the long-term plan was also identified as a concern.

In response to these concerns, Council approved a revised concept plan that includes the following amendments:

  • The buildings have been moved further down the slope and to the east of the current car park to reduce the visual impact and to reduce the congregation of people opposite the Nerida Lane intersection and playground.
  • In response to suggestions to move the car park to the east of Knox Park, the revised concept plan now includes two options for a future car park extension. These are identified in the long-term priorities and are subject to demand and funding:
    1. an extension to the current car park on the western side of the reserve and
    2. a new car park on the eastern side of the reserve.
  • Reference to artificial turf in the long-term plan has been removed and amended to ‘durable (hard-wearing) surface subject to best practice guidelines’.

A total of $2.2M has been secured to deliver the short-term priorities as part of stage 1 works (matched Council and State Government funding).

To view the full Engagement feedback report please click here.