Six places in Aldinga have been recommended for a Local Heritage Places Code Amendment.
For more information about each place click the orange '+' next to the place address.
You can make a submission on any of the recommended Local Heritage Code Amendments in Aldinga via the submission form.
Existing Local Heritage Places recommended for delisting
Reason for delisting
190 Flour Mill Road is a c.1870s residence constructed of limestone with brick quoins and surrounds with slate sills, early brick chimney with reconstructed roof gable and roof clad in replacement corrugated steel sheeting. Various periods of later additions to the immediate east and south of c.1870 residence dating to late-20th/early 21st century.
C.1870s masonry outbuilding constructed of sandstone with brick quoins and surrounds and early corrugated iron roof sheeting.
Now extensively modified, surviving external heritage fabric relating to the residential portion and outbuilding of the former butcher’s premises at 190 Flour Mill Road, Aldinga is of low significance and should not be retained.
More information about 190 Flour Mill Road can be viewed here.
Reason for delisting
15 Old Coach Road is a c.mid-19th century commercial premises; early surviving fabric includes existing parapet wall frontage, now rendered with c.1980s brick frontage additions, also rendered with reconstructed door and window openings. New timber and corrugated steel verandah additions undertaken since 1997 review. Extensive internal modifications.
While the 1997 survey’s recommendation of the reinstatement of a new, ‘more appropriate’ verandah form has been undertaken, the extensive additions undertaken to the building after 1977 have compromised both the building’s heritage fabric and its contribution to the Old Coach Road streetscape. Early photography (see Historical Images) indicates the original appearance and portrays the extent of modifications undertaken since.
While the building has been used as commercial premises for the local district since the mid-19th century, this significance is not represented in the little heritage fabric that remains.
More information about 15 Old Coach Road can be viewed here.
Reason for delisting
Established in 1851, the original Aldinga Hotel was noted in 1997 as having recently been extended with a concrete block structure added to the street frontage. The 1997 survey also noted that the core of the structure retains little of the early building fabric of the hotel while remaining a significant meeting place for the local district.
Since 1997, further extensive development and additions have been undertaken. Recent additions have now completely altered any trace of heritage fabric relating to the original building from the streetscape. While the Hotel’s significance as a meeting place for local residents since the mid-19th century remains applicable, this significance is no longer represented in evident historic fabric.
It is recommended that the Aldinga Hotel, 193-203 Port Road (Old Coach Road), Aldinga be delisted as a Local Heritage place on the SA Heritage Register.
It is recommended however that the significant Norfolk Pine Tree at 197-203 Port Road (Old Coach Road), Aldinga be retained as a Local Heritage item. This will require an amendment to the current listing. You can find more details about this amendment under the heading 'Existing Local Heritage Places recommended for amendment to listing'.
More information about 199 - 203 Port Road can be viewed here.
Places recommended for listing as Local Heritage Places
Heritage significance
The former cottage, masonry well and early fig tree at 191 Port Road, Aldinga are of significance as excellent representative examples of the early development of the Aldinga township (formerly known as Downingsville) in the mid to late 19th century. One of relatively few early surviving residences from this period, the former cottage retains a high degree of original fabric.
Extent of listing
The extent of listing includes the form and materials of all surviving masonry elements to the former cottage, including all walls, window and door openings, brick chimney and slate paving. The original roof form, the south elevation verandah form, the form and materials of the early masonry well and the early fig tree are of significance and included in the listing.
More information about 191 Port Road can be viewed here.
Existing Local Heritage Places recommended for amendment to listing
Recommended amendment
Retention of Pine Tree and exclusion of the Aldinga Hotel from the extent of the existing Local Heritage listing for 199-203 Port Road, Aldinga.
Reason for amendment
The Aldinga Hotel and Norfolk Island Pine tree are listed together under the one Local Heritage Place at 199-203 Port Road. As it is recommended that the Aldinga Hotel be delisted, this will require an amendment to the listing to remove the hotel while retaining the Pine tree.
More information about 199-203 Port Road can be viewed here.
Recommended amendment
Change the address for the existing Local Heritage listing for the Aldinga War Memorial from Main South Road to 186-196 Port Road, Aldinga.
Reason for amendment
The war memorial on the reserve along Main South Road (near 7 Stonehouse Lane, Aldinga), Aldinga was removed in 2022 due to Main South Rod Duplication works and has now been relocated in Aldinga Sports Park, 186-196 Port Road, Aldinga.
The war memorial would have become isolated if it was left in its location along Main South Road and it would have been unsafe to conduct any services or ceremonies.
The war memorial is now located in a new landscaped setting and there is ample space around the memorial for services and ceremonies. The war memorial can also be easily accessed and has a stronger connection with the township in its current location.
More information about 186-196 Port Road can be viewed here.