One place in O'Halloran Hill has been recommended for a Local Heritage Places Code Amendment.
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You can make a submission on the recommended Local Heritage Code Amendment in O'Halloran Hill via the submission form.
Places recommended for listing as Local Heritage Places
Heritage significance
The cottage dwelling and associated outbuilding at 1527-1531 Main South Road, O’Halloran Hill are of significance as a highly-intact example of a mid-19th century farming dwelling with associated infrastructure. The c.1850s dwelling retains a high degree of original fabric both internally and externally, providing a highly-intact example of mid-19th century construction with minimal later alterations or additions. The dwelling and outbuilding were constructed by the Tapley family, who were the original settlers of the Tapley’s Hill area from approximately 1840 onwards. The Tapley family retained the property from the mid-19th century until 1941 which forms an association of nearly 100 years.
Extent of listing
The extent of listing includes the form and materials of all masonry elements to the mid-19th century cottage, door and window openings, brick chimneys and the roof form.
The form and materials of all masonry elements to the mid-19th century outbuilding, including all walls and openings and roof form are included in the listing.
More information about 1527-1531 Main South Road can be viewed here.