Eight places in Old Noarlunga have been recommended for a Local Heritage Places Code Amendment.
For more information about each place click the orange '+' next to the place address.
You can make a submission on any of the recommended Local Heritage Code Amendments in Old Noarlunga via the submission form.
Existing Local Heritage Places recommended for delisting
Reason for delisting
A large open reserve with a long association with the nearby Horseshoe Mill (now Lot 97 Patapinda Road) and the c.1881 Noarlunga Institute (55-57 Patapinda Road). Numerous botanical specimens, including large, well-established gum trees, c.1990s replica ‘cottage ruin’ BBQ stations, play equipment, fixed public benches.
While a culturally significant site for the Old Noarlunga township, there is little if any early heritage fabric with which this cultural association can be associated. While historically associated with the site, the former Horseshoe Mill and c.1881 Institute retain separate heritage listings. No physical fabric associated with market activities or flour mill production survives.
More information about Lot 97 Patapinda Road can be viewed here.
The allotment of 74-76 Victor Harbor Road, Old Noarlunga, formerly associated with the former Dungey farm complex (66-76 Victor Harbor Road, Old Noarlunga) does not retain any heritage fabric of significance associated with the Dungey family’s former farming activities on the site.
A former 20th century sheep dip, not identified in the 2003 survey, has been identified to the allotment’s south-west corner. Of little historical significance, the sheep dip is now buried and non-functional and is removed from any association with the more significant late-19th century/early 20th century buildings associated with the Dungey family’s farm complex.
More information 74-76 (Lot 70) Victor Harbor Road can be viewed here.
This proposed Code Amendment is associated with the Code Amendment for 62 Victor Harbor Road and 66-68 Victor Harbor Road, listed under Existing Local Heritage Places recommended for amendment to listing below.
C.1860s former granary constructed of rendered masonry with later gabled roof clad in corrugated steel. Original built form evident in early photography has been extensively modified after 1947 with various periods of additions and alterations.
More information about 6 Water Street can be viewed here.Places recommended for listing as Local Heritage Places
Heritage significance
14 Malpas Street, Old Noarlunga is of local significance as an excellent, highly-intact early 20th century example of local cottage dwelling, providing a strong visual contribution to the Old Noarlunga township’s historic streetscape. The early 20th century continuation of a well-established cottage dwelling typology, the residence is associated with its original owners Hurtle James and Jane Gepp, in addition to its attributed original builder Richard Ferris, Jane Gepp’s father, a prominent Noarlunga quarryman and builder.
Extent of listing
The extent of listing includes form and materials of all masonry elements relating to the c.1900 dwelling building, including walls, window and door openings and chimneys.
The roof form, the form of the timber-framed verandah and form and materials of early timber window and door openings are considered of significance and are included in the listing.
More information about 14 Malpas Street can be viewed here.
44 Patapinda Road, Old Noarlunga is of local significance as an unusual example of Federation Queen Anne design for the Old Noarlunga township, contributing a distinctive early 20th century visual contribution to the largely mid-to-late 19th century Patapinda Road streetscape. An early 20th century example of the continuation of the established villa dwelling typology common in the Southern Vales, the dwelling is strongly associated with members of the Candy family, early and prominent Noarlunga residents.
Extent of listing
The extent of listing includes the form and materials of all early masonry elements relating to the c.1905-1915 dwelling building (walls, chimneys, window and door openings and masonry verandah elements including balustrade).
The form of the roof, gables with timber gable detailing, the form of the timber framed verandah with timber brackets and the form and materials of early timber window and door fittings are considered of significance and are also included in the listing.
More information about 44 Patapinda Road can be viewed here.
The former commercial premises and adjoining residence at 60 Patapinda Road, Old Noarlunga is of significance as an important local example of a late 19th century local business and associated residence, a characteristic enterprise model for the townships of the Southern Vales. Making a substantial visual contribution to the heritage character of the Old Noarlunga township centre, the residence is strongly associated with both Lawrence Webber, saddler, and the prominent local Dungey family.
Extent of listing
The extent of listing includes the form and materials of all masonry elements relating to the c.1890 building, including walls, window and door openings and chimneys.
The roof form, the form of timber framed verandah and awning, form and materials of early timber window and door elements and timber picket fence balustrading to the verandah are considered of significance and are also included in the listing.
More information about 50 Patapinda Road can be viewed here.
Existing Local Heritage Places recommended for amendment to listing
Recommended amendment
Exclusion of 74-76 Victor Harbor Road from the extent of the existing Local Heritage listing and separate out the listing for 62 Victor Harbor Road and 66-68 Victor Harbor Road, Old Noarlunga as two separate listings.
Reason for amendment
In 2007, the heritage listing for Former Farmhouse, outbuildings and pine trees spanned over three allotments 62, 66-68 and 74-76 Victor Harbor Road. This is because historically these three allotments were under a single ownership.
The city-wide review in 2020-22 provided an opportunity to separate the listing and identify historically significant items as per the allotments.
Following the review, 62 and 66-68 Victor Harbor Road are recommended to remain listed and extent of listing are described under each allotment.
74-76 Victor Harbor Road is proposed for delisting as there are no heritage items on the property.
Heritage significance
The former farming outbuildings at 62 Victor Harbor Road, Old Noarlunga are of significance as mid to late 19th century surviving, and intact farm buildings associated with the former Dungey family farm complex of 66-76 Old Victor Harbor Road. The Dungey family, early settlers and leading citizens of the Old Noarlunga township retained and resided at the farm complex between 1877 and 1994; an association of nearly 120 years.
Extent of listing
The form and materials of all masonry elements relating to the former outbuilding, including freestone masonry walls, brick surrounds and original window and door openings. Roof forms, corrugated steel roofing and timber structural elements are considered of significance and are included in the listing though replacement materials are not included in the listing.
The form and materials of all masonry elements relating to the former well, are considered of significance and are included in the listing though replacement materials are not included in the listing.
More information about 62 Victor Harbor Road can be viewed here.
Recommended amendment
Exclusion of 74-76 Victor Harbor Road from the extent of the existing Local Heritage listing and separate out the listing for 62 Victor Harbor Road and 66-68 Victor Harbor Road, Old Noarlunga as two separate listings.
Reason for amendment
In 2007, the heritage listing for Former Farmhouse, outbuildings and pine trees spanned over three allotments 62, 66-68 and 74-76 Victor Harbor Road. This is because historically these three allotments were under a single ownership.
The city-wide review in 2020-22 provided an opportunity to separate the listing and identify historically significant items as per the allotments.
Following the review, 62 and 66-68 Victor Harbor Road are recommended to remain listed and extent of listing are described under each allotment.
74-76 Victor Harbor Road is proposed for delisting as there are no heritage items on the property.
Heritage significance
The former farmhouse and outbuilding at 66-68 Victor Harbor Road, Old Noarlunga are of significance as major elements of an early local farming complex for the Noarlunga district, dating to the mid-to-late 19th century with various later stages of development. The Dungey family, early settlers and leading citizens of the Old Noarlunga township retained and resided at the farmhouse between 1877 and 1994; an association of nearly 120 years.
Extent of listing
The form and materials of all pre c.1910 masonry elements relating to the former farmhouse, including c.1870s former farmhouse and all c.1910 additions. The c.1910 roof form with associated timber framed bargeboards and apex gable ventilators are considered of significance and are included in the listing.
The form and materials or all masonry elements relating to the former outbuilding, including freestone, brick quoins, surrounds and window and door openings are of significance and are included in the listing. The use of timber-framed and corrugated steel additions to the former outbuilding are considered of significance and are included in the listing.
More information about 66-68 Victor Harbor Road can be viewed here.