One place in Onkaparinga Heights has been recommended for a Local Heritage Places Code Amendment.
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Existing Local Heritage Places recommended for amendment to listing
Inclusion of the outbuilding to the extent of the existing Local Heritage listing for Lot 28 Main South Road, Onkaparinga Heights. The amendment will also update the suburb from Hackham to Onkaparinga Heights.
Reason for amendment
In 2022 the state government renamed parts of the suburb of Hackham to Onkaparinga Heights.
Heritage significance
The c.1870s farming complex at Lot 28, Main South Road, Hackham is of significance as an early, intact and highly visible example of self-contained farming complex within the Hackham district, effectively representing the district’s agricultural origins. A notable local landmark, the property is strongly associated with the Radford and Antonio families, prominent early farming identities and citizens of the Hackham district in the late 19th and 20th centuries.
Extent of listing
The form and materials of masonry elements to the C.1870s former farmhouse, farming outbuilding, outhouse and masonry boundary fencing.
More information about Lot 28 Main South Road can be viewed here.