One place in Sellicks Beach has been recommended for a Local Heritage Places Code Amendment.
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Existing Local Heritage Places recommended for amendment to listing
Recommended amendment
Inclusion of the outbuildings in the extent of the existing Local Heritage listing for 122 Country Road, Sellicks Beach.
Heritage significance
The ‘Just’ farm complex at 122 Country Road, Sellicks Beach is of significance as a highly-intact example of an early 20th century farming complex with farmhouse and associated outbuildings, retaining a majority of its original allotment. A prominent feature in the Sellicks Beach landscape, the farm complex retains a long association with the Culley and Just families; prominent local citizens and landowners within the local district.
Extent of listing
External form and materials of the c.1900 farmhouse, including all masonry elements, chimneys, roof and verandah forms. All original corrugated iron roof clad is original and the profile and materials of this roofing are included in the listing.
The external form and materials of the outbuildings, including former shearing shed and former shed. The form and usage of timber posts and corrugated steel cladding are considered of significance and included in the listing.
More information about 122 Country Road can be viewed here.