One place in Willunga South has been recommended for a Local Heritage Places Code Amendment.

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Existing Local Heritage Places recommended for amendment to listing

Recommended amendment

Inclusion of the slate retaining wall and culvert in the extent of the current Local Heritage listing for Martin's and Bastian's Quarries, 81 Quarry Road, Willunga South.

Heritage significance

The Slate retaining wall & culvert at Martin’s & Bastian’s Quarries, 81 Quarry Road, Willunga South are of significance as early surviving examples of slate-constructed infrastructure directly associated with the functionality of the two quarries, established in the early 1840s. It is presumed that these infrastructural elements most likely date to the early history of the site. Now comprising the site’s sole surviving mid-19th century constructed elements, the retaining wall and culvert are important surviving examples of the early use of Willunga slate for local construction, a major historic theme for the district.

Extent of listing

The form and materials of all slate-constructed masonry elements of the retaining wall and culvert, located to the pool’s eastern embankment and the entrance gate respectively.

More information about 81 Quarry Road can be viewed here.