Latest Update

Noarlunga United Soccer Club Upgrades Complete at Wilfred Taylor Reserve

The construction works at Noarlunga United Soccer Club's facilities at Wilfred Taylor Reserve are now finished!

This project was identified as a top priority by council in 2019, when the Wilfred Taylor Reserve Master Plan was approved.

Thanks to the support of Nat Cook, Member for Hurtle Vale, the state government provided $1.045 million towards the project. Council also committed additional funding, including utilising federal government funding through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Phase 4 programme.

This funding enabled a major upgrade to the soccer facilities, incorporating the club's key priorities:

  • Four new unisex changing rooms
  • A new access road and car park
  • Improved lighting for pitch 1

We're delighted to deliver these significantly improved facilities for the soccer players and the wider community, as we continue to implement the Wilfred Taylor Reserve Master Plan.

Follow the project progress via the news feed below.
