
Draft Vision released!

7 April 2021


We are seeking opportunities to improve Main Road McLaren Vale which will further encourage visitors to stop, stay and spend.

Through our stages of engagement, we asked visitors, business owners and community to help shape the tourism vision.

We have heard some great ideas to improve Main Road McLaren Vale, to create a more enjoyable place for you to wander, shop, eat and experience.

Stage 3 consultation closed on 17 December 2020.

Engagement on the draft tourism vision, depicted by artist impressions, showed that 69% of quick poll respondents either loved or liked the vision.

Here’s a quick snapshot of what we were told with the Stage 1 & 2 outcomes:

  • Increase the greening along the main street
  • Create a better streetscape and provide connectivity through a street theme/visual appeal
  • Sustainability and outdoor dining are important
  • Improve the night-time appeal of the main street
  • Increase public art
  • Existing tourism hub with the McLaren Vale Hotel, Robern Menz, Oscars, Hardy’s Tintara and the Almond Train/Carriage Café
  • Keep the parking on the main street

To assist with finalising the shared vision, artist impressions have been developed and can be found here. In addition, we have created a one page summary of the key features to act upon what we have heard.

The artist impressions demonstrate what is proposed and are of the existing tourism hub. This will be the initial focus (segment 1) of implementation followed by rollout of relevant elements along the main street in segments to create cohesion and connection (subject to council approval and funding/resources).

To bring the vision to fruition it will rely on the support of government, associations and community groups, business owners and residents all working together to deliver a great experience for Main Road McLaren Vale. We are ready for the challenge, are you?


A timed and costed action plan is being developed to identify what we will deliver over the next 5 years. This will be presented to the Council in March 2021.