

23 August 2024


The work is being undertaken to improve the road surface, install a footpath on the southern side of Murray Road, improve streetscaping and clarity of on street parking.

You can view details of the planned works in the draft concept plan. The reconstruction works will include:

  • Rebuilding Murray Road within its current footprint.
  • Installation of a 1.5m wide, paved footpath along the southern side of Murray Road.
  • Planted kerb build outs to capture stormwater flows and reduce the urban heat effect.
  • Improved lighting at intersections and pedestrian crossing points.

  • In addition to the improvement works, due to the road crest, we are required to restrict parking on the northern side of the road between Cornish Avenue and Alexander Terrace. Restrictions on the northern side of Murray Road results in the least total parking lost, and still allows for at least one on street car park per property on the southern side of the road.

    Engagement on the concept plan was open from 12 April to 19 May 2024.

    The works are proposed to be delivered in the 2024-25 financial year, subject to Council's budgetary process.