
Engagement outcomes

23 August 2024

Engagement was open between 12 April and 19 May 2024.

Community Feedback

The purpose of community engagement was to ensure stakeholders were aware of the project and the proposed changes to the road configuration/road environment and to also understand any local issues that should be considered throughout design.

The engagement techniques used for this project included presenting information via the Your Say Onkaparinga platform, door knocking residents on Murray Road, emailing residents and community groups who had previously registered via Your Say Onkaparinga and sending letters to surrounding properties.

While engagement was open, the project team attended 61 properties on Murray Road and 256 people visited the Your Say Onkaparinga page. Of the properties visited 34 residents were home and provided feedback on the project and an additional 12 comments were received via Your Say Onkaparinga (though four of these residents had already provided feedback during door knocking).

The findings through community engagement are summarised below:

  • 59% of residents that were contacted living on Murray Road are in support of the project and 26% do not support the project. The remaining feedback was mixed or neutral.
  • 38% of the broader community who provided Your Say Onkaparinga feedback support the project and 38% do not support the project. The remaining feedback was mixed or neutral.
  • Common concerns expressed during the feedback period were in regard to the limited on-street parking, speed and request for additional traffic calming and the cost of the project.

As a result of our doorknocking, two petitions were received in opposition to our proposal containing a total of 27 signatures.

Concerns raised in the petition include:

  • loss of parking
  • road width and speeding vehicles
  • installation of southern footpath
  • use of rain gardens
  • installation of upgraded lighting.

In response to the feedback Council were presented with four design options for review to assist in informing the final design at the Council meeting on 20 August 2024. The four design options are summarised below.

  • Option A is the original design presented to the community and does not incorporate any community feedback.
  • Option B is the original design however incorporates changes based on the community engagement feedback.
  • Option C includes the removal of all rain gardens to preserve parking.
  • Option D significantly reduces the scope of work to only include the reconstruction of the road pavement and seal.

For full details of the report submitted to Council please click here.